Monday, December 31, 2012

If You Notice Our Racism, You Must Be a Racist

Nothing racist about that avatar. Nope. Not one thing. Saying the words "Herman Cain?"  That's racist!

Wealth Distribution is FINE When it's From the Poor to the Rich!

I demand that I be allowed to pay a higher tax rate while millionaires continue their free ride! It's the AMERICAN WAY!


We don't believe in medical science! Drag her from the hospital like a criminal and clap her in irons! SOMETHING HAPPENED and we DEMAND the ANSWERS WE CAN BELIEVE!

Can't We Just Have A Re-Vote Until We Get It Right?

Didn't we the people just DO that and re-elect Obama? I think we did.

The Facts Are Indistinguishable!

Gun buyback programs = Obama's Gun Grab and Black Helicopters Eating our Babies! FREEDOM!!!!!!

Count the Mistakes in THIS Tweet!

Irony. Having a "handle" that indicates you know stuff when you don't know that O's term ends on January 20 and the Bush Tax Rates drove the economy into the sewer.

When Logic Fails, Try a Tantrum!

How dare the Democrats not give us everything we want in the name of compromise?

Of Couse, By 'Actual', He Means 'Fabricated and Skewed'

And you KNOW it's true because some conservative hack on the Examiner used "facts" from a Conservative think tank, and THEY would never lie!

Nobody Cares, Nobody Cares, Nobody Cares and Nobody Cares.

In other words, Lee Stranahan will ignore the real issues and keep trying to push his phony ones.

Her Grandaddy Died at Omaha Beach for Your Right to Have a Rocket Launcher

How's a girl s'posed to protect herself without a Rocket Launcher?

Was the BLOOD CLOT Partying, TOO?

For one thing, the link takes you to a debunked story. Hillary was NOT in the Dominican Republic. But let's not let the fact that she's in the hospital with a blood clot stop the blood orgy.

Sorry, Granny. No More Handouts for YOU!

No one is entitled to ANYTHING! Life? Liberty? Pursuit of Happiness? Bullshit! It's in the BIBLE!

Why Just Get Raped When You Can Get Raped AND Shot?

What a WONDERFUL idea. Then, while you're laying there in the dark alley screaming, the rapist can hold your gun to your head after he takes it away from you and now you have TWO problems. Brilliant. Just brilliant!